This year, we are implementing a new reading program,
California Treasures Reading. It is a very comprehensive program that I am adjusting to after many years of another reading series. Along the way, I am tweaking and adding components which I feel meet the needs of my students. One of the things that I am adding are Rapid Automatic Naming Boards; which I call Fluency Boards. I first read about them
here and used them successfully with my students all last year.
Here is how it works in my classroom.
I create the Fluency Boards for the skills (letter(s) or high frequency words) we are learning. In class, I project the Fluency Board and we quickly read it as part of our daily morning routines. Some days, we go over more than one Fluency Board. This depends on our needs and time. I also send the Fluency Board for homework. On Friday, I use the homework Fluency Board to quickly check if they can read the words or letters. I send home a quick note to parents about which need additional practice.
Click image for link. |
Using these Fluency Boards has helped to keep me and my students accountable to our learning. Since we practice these often, most children are successful. For those who are not, I can meet with them during small group instruction to help close the gap in learning.
I love them! Would you like a copy? I created two sets; a
teacher and
parent version. That is 30 weeks of Fluency Boards organized by Unit and Week. Free just for you.
Click image for link. |
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Happy Teaching and Learning!