A Minion Reasons To Be Healthy
I knew that I wanted to decorate our door using these Minions and slogan. First, we brainstormed ways that we could be healthy. We created a list using the sentence starter, I can. Each student choose an item from our list to copy. Next, we created our Minions. I just love how each one is as unique as the person who made it.
Mr. Big Mouth

I have taught this lesson for several years with much success.
I introduce the students to Mr. Big Mouth and let them know that we need to help him make good choices. During the lesson, I show the students magazine cut outs of harmful and safe items. If the item is safe like an apple, we feed Mr. Big Mouth. If it is harmful like alcohol, we say, "Not in your mouth, Mr. Big Mouth."
This lesson always leads to a good discussion about when it is safe to take medicine.
We also talk about the experiences we may have and how it is important to do the right thing.
What are you teaching for Red Ribbon Week? How do you teach young children the importance of making good lifestyle choices?
Happy Teaching!