I'm playing along, as many of you are too!
Hello, I'm Mrs. Parker. I LOVE teaching! I can't imagine my life without it! I like to say that I go to school and my husband goes to work. Yes, some days are rough, but most often, that has to do with the adults in the workplace and not the kids.
As a kid, my sister and I, were referred to as "the girls" since we were only 10 months apart. I can't even imagine. My mother was a migrant worker as a child and went to school every other day. She stopped going by fourth grade. Segregation and a need for financial survival forced her out. My dad, on the other hand, grew up on a farm and dropped out his senior year of high school. When my sister and I graduated high school, it was a BIG thing.
I am the first to go to college and graduate. I am a Bulldog; a
University of Redlands bulldog. I am indebted to the people who welcomed me as a young freshman on campus. I spent four glorious years there. This is a picture of where the Admissions Office was located when I was there. It was the place where I spent most of my time. I was an Admissions Officer and in my senior year, an intern for the Office of Admissions.
I have been married to Mr. Parker for five years. He is my best friend. He is a federal officer but has many more talents. He loves to cook and collects cookbooks. He is teaching himself about photography and loves all things techy. I would be lost without him in my life. Together, we have a son who will turn four this May. He is the joy of my life. He has my personality and attitude and his dad's looks and brains.
Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?
A: I'm not sure. I never thought of anything else. As a little girl, I would love to play my record of When You Wish Upon a Star and spin like a ballerina.
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Hobbies? Hmm....I love to read and scrapbook. My new addiction is blogstalking. You all are so wonderfully talented!
Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: I knew since first grade that I would be a teacher. As a kid, I would read the encyclopedia researching the "right" college.
Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A: As of late, I have been treating myself to one Starbuck's vanilla latte a week. I LOVE ice cream, dark chocolate, a nice glass of red wine, and Zingermans bread and cheese. Have you heard of them? If not,
check them out.
Since having a child, we love all things Disney. We have annual passports and go at least once a month which involves a two hour drive one way.
Q: What is your biggest fear?!
A: Loved ones passing away.
Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: We try to go to Wisconsin every summer. My husband's family has a cabin which they built in the 50s. There is nothing fancy about it. But, we enjoy it! We love waking up to the sounds of the loons in the morning.
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: Life is good. My husband's uncle; our son's namesake, said this everyday despite the fact he was battling cancer. Even at his worse, he would remind you, that life was worth living to its fullest. Don't take it for granted. Although, he is gone today, I try to remind myself of this. Life is good. Make the best of it.
Q: What do you value most in others?
A: Honesty and integrity.
Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?
A: Perseverance. Don't give up despite the challenges.
Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world….living or dead…who would it be?
A: My grandmother. She passed away when I was thirteen. I wish I had a chance to know her more.
Now tell us one random thing about yourself:
I'm a HAG; it's the name of my tea group. A group of girlfriends and I meet four times a year. It is an entire weekend of tea, games, crafts, and activities. Our ages range from 80 to mid 30s. We met while I was working at a museum as the Education Coordinator. My friend and I invited ourselves over for tea and the rest is history!
Happy Teaching and Learning!
P.S. - If you found me via First Grade Parade, welcome. Thanks for stopping by. :)