In my last post, I talked about how I pace the Common Core into "chunks" of comprehensible teaching and learning. I provided this example of what the strand looks like over the course of the school year.
Math time usually consists of: calendar and math routines, whole group math lesson/workbook, and math work stations.
Today, I am going to share some math routines that I will use to teach this standard. To begin with, students will practice writing their numbers daily using a dry erase board and marker; a nice transition after recess. I like to use music whenever possible. So, I plan to use this oldie but goodie as well as this hip-hop diddy to teach numbers to 20 during calendar. Afterwards, we will continue to work on subitizing numbers using dot cards from this fabulous blog. I will also introduce I Have. Who Has? I love this book and used it a lot in when I taught first grade. Unfortunately, it is a little too difficult for my kindergarten students.
I created this I Have. Who Has? winter Edition card game to play with my students.
I think my students will absolutely adore this. I also like that I can control which cards I give students based on their strengths and weaknesses. Most of my students can count to 10 and beyond but I have a few who need additional practice as well as some who need help with "oneteen" also known as eleven. Get your copy here.
Looking for more freebies? Even though, I don't go back until the 7th but I am starting my planning. Are you? Click below for more wonderful, teacher created freebies.
This year we are fully implementing the Common Core in kindergarten. As with all new things, there has been a bit of a learning curve.
I am a Whole-Part-Whole type of teacher and learner. I like to see the big picture. I, then, like to chunk my teaching into comprehensible parts for my students and me. I find that is is important for accountability, progress monitoring and creating benchmarks of learning. For the last two years, we have used ESGI to help us with progress monitoring and assessments of learning.
Currently, our school uses Curriculum Maps to guide our instruction and planning. These Curriculum Maps are basically a scope and sequence of what chapter we are teaching of our required textbooks and which CA standard that it teaches.
What I have discovered is that I like to have the Common Core Standards mapped out as well. So that, at a glance, I can tell how the standard is taught.
I created these Pacing Guides to help me.
Sample Math Pacing Guide
The Guide is paced for our three trimesters. As a team, we decided on our expectations for each trimester. From there, we can create our lessons and assessments. All of which are important because we will be using a Common Core report card for the remainder of the year.
What might this look like in January?
Our Math Work Stations will be similar to last year since these all are Common Core aligned.
A new math routine will be to learn to count to 100 using this song from Mark D. Pencil and video by Harry Kindergarten.
We will work on writing numerals and counting in meaningful ways embedding the Base 10 system whenever possible.
We will collect objects and group them in tens so that students understand what is a ten. I envision groups of 10s of snowflakes, hearts, shamrocks, etc.
My hope is that by pacing the Common Core standards, I am able to plan and teach accordingly. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
How has your school or district paced the Common Core? Is this teacher driven? Have you had training on the Common Core? Do you find the standards easy or difficult to interpret and assess?