Weather science is fun!
Here are a few simple science experiments that you can use in your classroom to teach about different aspects of weather.
Each is easy to do but yields high student engagement and learning.
Rainbows are always a hot topic in my classroom. For some reason, kindergarteners LOVE rainbows. They can not get enough of them. They write about them. Draw them and talk about them.
My class could not believe when I told them that we were going to make a rainbow.
You'll need some mason jars.
Fill the jars with water.
Add food coloring.
Assemble in a sunny spot.
Watch your rainbow appear.
This simple science weather experiment in always a hit. (Just look at her mouth in amazement.)
The shaving cream acts as the cloud.
Water in a vase or jar represents the water in our atmosphere, lakes, oceans and other places.
Food coloring is the water vapor which becomes rain.
By creating a rain cloud, you can show how water vapor absorbs in a cloud. Once it is heavy enough, rain begins.
Afterwards, we used our new learning to create an interactive writing piece. Working with groups of students, I could differentiate the content based on student need.
Who knew learning about wind could be so fun?! We did three simple science experiments based on wind but these wind catchers were their favorite.
We learned that wind is moving air. Our wind catchers helped us see it.
Simply tie a piece of yarn around the handles of a plastic bag to make your wind catcher. If it is windy enough, you can even run and "fly" your wind catcher.
There you have it! Simple weather science experiments that will have you and your students engaged!
Happy Learning!