Where Am I Now?

It feels like a million years ago, since I've sat down to write on this page. 

So much has taken place since my last post.

Where am I now?

Currently, like yourself, I am in Safer at Home orders due to COVID-19. That may be in part, why I have "the time" to write.

This space, Learning with Mrs. Parker, was/is the first place I made teacher connections outside of my school community. It feels like returning to a familiar place but at the same time I feel a bit lost and out of place.

Teacher blogs are no longer the same as they used to be when I first began almost a decade ago. (Did I just type, a DECADE?!!)

That might be in part why I stopped writing. I've never viewed myself as a teacher blogger who wants to self promote. Rather, I see myself as that teacher who want to share that something that makes my teacher life easier or better.

Which brings me back to where am I now.

I'm currently teaching Transitional Kindergarten which in California means the grade between pre-k and Kindergarten. It's been a new learning curve understanding the developmental needs of late four/early five year olds. I do love it but...

I do miss kindergarten some days.

Some things remain the same...

I believe that literacy provides voices for all. I want my students to see themselves in the books we read. I continue to try to improve my pedagogy because if I want my students to learn, I need to as well.

I'm not sure why I got on here today...but, perhaps, it's to bookmark a period of my teaching career.

Learning with Mrs. Parker has always been about my teaching journey. Perhaps, it's time I get back to sharing. What do you think?  

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