Can you imagine a world in which there is no play? I can't either.
Why is play so important? According to the American Journal of Pediatrics, "Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development."
I know that as districts and schools move towards the CCSS and 21st Century skills, sometimes play can get lost in the shuffle. But at what cost?
Currently, I have a Donor Choose project which would help my school develop and foster active engagement in outdoor play while building upon 21st Century skills of communication, creativity and collaboration.
I would appreciate your help in this endeavor. My kids need many opportunities where they can learn to talk and problem solve with one another. We need them to be able to work together both in and out of the classroom. I can think of no better place to learn these skills than through play.
I do believe that play is serious learning. If you do too, I would hope that you consider sharing my project with others or consider donating yourself to this cause.
With Gratitude,
This goes along so very well with the book I'm reading: A Moving Child is a Learning Child. So, SO true! Good luck with your project!
Looks like a have a book recommendation to add to my summer reading list. Thank you for your donation. I appreciate it so much.