W Is For....

This is part of Teaching the Alphabet blog party.
(I am posting this early since I will be out of town without my computer.  I wanted to make sure everything was working before leaving.)

I have the letter W.   
My inspiration was this book.
This story is appealing to younger learners but also very witty for older children.  
It also covers lots of standards; both Common Core Standards and California.
Included in this packet are ideas for math, reading and writing.  

Kindergarten students will probably do many of these activities in a whole group setting through interactive and shared reading and writing lessons. Whereas, first grade students will be able to do some independently after teaching modeling.
Click image for your copy.
I have worked hard to create this for my classroom and yours.  Please respect my work by not distributing to others, rather referring them to my blog.  If you do enjoy it, please leave a comment.  I would also love to see this in action.  Send an email.   It would make my day to see children using it!

Now it's your turn.  Below is a list of bloggers who have signed up to host a letter.
Thank you ladies!  :)
Click to see who is hosting.

Link up and add my button.  
Didn't sign up.  Don't worry.  You can join in the fun, too!  
I can't wait to see all the ideas!  

Happy Teaching and Learning!

Teaching the Alphabet


Back To School Activity

Are you looking for something new to do with your kids this year?  Are you presenting at a workshop and need an ice breaker activity?  Try this. This is a great getting to know you activity.  Perfect for older students.  After creating this, your students present to their classmates.

A Yard of Me:

My name is Mrs. Parker This fall will be my 14th year teaching. I will teach kindergarten but have previously taught first through third grades.  I have a small family.  My husband of six years and my four year old son.  I don't know what I'd do without my boys. My favorite color is green and I like the number seven. I love my iPad and love to read books.  I may have a book obsession. I love a good cup of coffee and pastry in the morning. My favorite place to visit is Disneyland.  We go as often as we can!  Currently, I love reading books with great illustrations and simple texts; Mo Willems and Jan Thomas are current favorites at bedtime. 

Happy Teaching and Learning!

Tree Maps for Fall

I have been busy organizing for my home and classroom.  Here is a what I've been working on for school.
Click image to get your freebie.
I've made a collection of Tree Maps to use for the beginning of the year.  I had such success with them last year that I wanted to start planning for them now.  My kids loved them!  I used them often with my English Language Learners during Systematic ELD.  They were perfect for science and social studies.  I often left extras with our writing paper.  It was great to see my kids independently research.

If you'd like more, go here.

Your feedback would be appreciated.

Happy Teaching and Learning!

Sprucing Up Your Photos

Here's a quick Blogger Tech Tip.
Is it just me or have I missed an easier way through Blogger to spruce up photos. Take this picture for example.  If you click on the image, you will get an option that says Edit Image.

Click there.  Then, it will take you to a  screen like this.
Click on the Create tab.  Then, your options become endless.   
You can add text, borders, speech bubbles, etc to your photos.
Like my postage stamp?
Or how about the polaroid?  Love it!

Many of these features are free although there are some premium features.  Does anyone use this on a regular basis?  If so, share if you like it.  It looks pretty easy and fun.  

UPDATE: Picnik is no longer in service.  Many of these features can now be found on PicMonkey.

Happy Blogging!


Math Work Stations Chapter 8

I can't believe we have finished with our Math Work Stations blog study.  It has been such an awesome journey to share and learn with you all.  I have loved reading your thoughts, discovering your passion and meeting so many new friends through this unit of study.  

I am unable to share this document due to graphic art copyright.
I created this math work station to go with I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean.  I love the repetitive language.  I liked how this book would be easy enough for the youngest of learners but also funny enough to entertain older students.   Students will be able to use both standard and non standard units of measurement for this work station.

For more ideas about measurement math work stations, go to Lory's Page.  She has some wonderful ideas about math and more.

I will be updating my sidebar to include direct links for each chapter.  You will, then, have easy access to find freebies, share, or link up.  

Happy Teaching and Learning!

Singing in the Classroom

Miss Kindergarten is having a linky party about using song in the classroom.  We sing all the time in our classroom.  I have created a large collection of songs to teach sight words.  Years ago Four Blocks Literacy suggested this to help students learn and practice high frequency words.  It has transformed the way I teach spelling. Children love this time.

Here is one of the first songs my students learn. Hope you like it.

Happy Teaching and Learning!

Teaching the Alphabet Update

Join me and other creative bloggers in our journey of teaching the alphabet.  We will explore the alphabet by sharing ideas and activities to keep the youngest learners engaged.

Happy Teaching and Learning!

PS- Teaching the Alphabet Participants please contact me via email with your contact and blog information.

Who Doesn't Love Comments

If you blog, you'll understand.  Comments makes you happy.  Well, look at this comment.
Deebie Diesen took the time to leave a comment on my blog!  You can read it on Read Alouds for the Fall post.  I love blogging.  I love comments!  Keep those comments coming!

Happy Teaching and Learning!

Teaching the Alphabet -

I have been thinking about this idea for a while and want to get your opinion.  As I return back to teaching kindergarten, I want to make learning the alphabet more engaging.  We start the year introducing a letter a day.

Here's where I need your help.  I'd like these days to focus on literature, math, art, and other "fun" stuff. For example, letter D may be reading No, David! and creating a directed draw of David like this one here. The letter P could be reading all the Pigeon books and using shapes to cut and make a Pigeon of our own.

Sign - Ups Now Closed

Would you be interested?  If so, leave a comment with the letter(s) you would like to post about.  The only "rule" is that you share; a freebie.  It could be a link to a great resource (if a blogger, make sure you ask them first), or a wonderful website, or something you created yourself.

I need to hear from you soon!  Deadline to join is Friday, July 15th.  This will give others time to plan.  I hope others will want to join me!  I can't wait to hear from you!

Once we know which letters everyone wants, I will post them.  Together, we'll decide when to kick off Teaching the Alphabet.  Please blog about it!  It will be a linky party, of course!  :)

Happy Learning and Teaching!

Links, Links and More Links

Links, Links and More Links and I'm Not Talking about Hot Links.
(A Post Title That Reminds Me of Fran from Kindergarten Crayons)

Have you been following Debbie Diller's Math Work Station blog study all summer?  Are you just starting to blog? Well, it is not too late to join my linky party!  Share your ideas, thoughts, and freebies.  Go here.  I hope to update my sidebar with a quick reference once our blog study is over.  Can you believe it?  This is the last and final week.

PhotobucketAs I am getting ready to say farewell to my school year, many of you are thinking about back to school.  Well, I have the Linky Party just for those of us who LOVE books.  I have discovered some wonderful blogs and great book recommendations.  I just received my first box from Amazon a few days ago to prove it.  Whether you decide to link up or blog stalk, I'm sure you will find something that interests you.

And did I mention, I am having a Giveaway?  The deadline is fast approaching. One lucky reader will get HeidiSongs Sounds Fun Phonics CD and flashcards. Go here for more details.

Happy Learning and Teaching!


Math Work Stations Chapter 7

Today's post will be resources that will support your learning during Math Work Stations.  I am wrapping up the end of my school year and I don't have as much time as I'd like to dedicate to this chapter.  :(

I think Colleen did an excellent job explaining what geometry is and is not.

First of all, students will need access to some geometry supplies.
Must Have Supplies

Have enough supplies for partners to use when introducing the geometric shapes.  I usually sort them in ziplock baggies.  Don't forget to give time just for exploration.  Then, model the appropriate use of the learning tools.  Review needed vocabulary.
Go here if you'd like to purchase some of these items.

Introducing Shapes
I thought these two videos would be great when first introducing geometry; especially to younger children.

Math Workstation Idea
Three Pigs, One Wolf, Seven Magic Shapes (level 3) (Scholastic Reader, Math)I like to read Grandfather Tang's Story and create the pictures from this story together.  We usually do this over a period of days.  I think this is a great lesson for older students.  Younger students may enjoy Thee Pigs, One Wolf and Seven Magic Shapes.  I plan to use this with my students because they can read it independently.  I will copy and laminate tangrams that they can use to create the shapes.  Here is the link.  Younger children may need these cards to help them create the animals in the story.  I will be sure to include Math Talk.

I will be back with more suggestions; hopefully, next week when I have a little more time.

Happy Teaching and Learning!

PS-  Just getting started with Math Work Stations.  You can link up here, if you like.  People are still reading earlier chapters.  :)

New Read Alouds for the Fall

Do you love shopping for books as much as you love back to school shopping? If you said, yes, join the club!  I just finished ordering some new books from Amazon that I thought you might love too.

Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes
This is book two for our beloved Pete the Cat!  
Rhyming Dust Bunnies Here Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny!
I ordered both of these.  My students love rhyming dust bunnies.  In fact they try to hide it from one another.  Don't you love when kids that!  
The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark
I can't wait to read this book!  
Llama Llama Misses MamaLlama Llama Home with Mama
The first will definitely be one of my first week of school read alouds.
Splat the Cat: Back to School, Splat!
Have you discovered Splat the Cat? There are so many to choose.
Skippyjon Jones, Class Action
I love Skippyjon Jones' imagination!  

I'd love to see what you will be reading this fall.  I'm sure others will too.  Join my Read Alouds for the Fall Linky Party!  Grab a button and start reading!


Happy Learning and Teaching!

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